The Chin in a Time of Revolution in Burma

Volume : IEJ Vol.3 No.(1)

Published Date : June 2024


On 1 February 2021, a military coup took place and the elected civilian administration was overthrown. Following the coup, massive anti-coup protests took place across the country. In response to the nonviolent protestors, the military has carried out harsh crackdowns, arrests, and tortured, and killed civilians, who participated in peaceful demonstrations. As a result, civilians who are mainly young people, have progressively changed from peaceful demonstrations to becoming partially armed with a concentration on protecting civilians and attacking military personnel and property. Chin State has led some of the toughest opposition and has refused to cooperate with the junta. Young residents have formed the Chinland Defense Force (CDF), primarily made up of young men and women with homemade weapons like handmade guns, knives, and arrows (known as sa-hnet in Chin and tu mae in Burmese) alliance with Chin National Front (CNF/A) one of the ethnic armed groups to resistance brutal attack of the State Administration Council (SAC) military on civilians in Chin State and beyond. One may argue that Chin state was the true birthplace of this spring revolution. The articles used qualitative research methods and data will be collected from secondary sources to analysis this study. The study will look at Chin resistance and resilience to continuous revolutionary politics and processes at the state level with a focus on the consequences of the military coup, the Covid-19 pandemic, and other social challenges in Chin sate and beyond since 2021. The major goal of this study is to understand the risks, challenges, and advantages of the Chin people's perseverance and resistance in Burma.